rpi1: 0x4000104 rpi0 with wifi and headers 0x4000104 rpi1 with composite video 0x4000104 rpi1 with composite video and i2s header rpi2: 0x4000140 rpi2 model b v1.1 2014 no composite, no wifi rpi3: 0x4000140 rpi3 with wifi rpi4: 0x4000160 mentioned in bootcode 2020-05-15 0x4000161 mentioned in bootcode 2020-05-15, potentially has 2 different mask roms 0x4000161 found on a B0T pi4b 0x4000162 bootcode-2020-05-15 checks for this cpuid, if present, .text.firmware_rev[0] bit 0 must be set 0x4000162 found on a C0 pi400