A conformant image processing stage for applying an effect to a YUV
image or video.
YUV_UV input and output are only currently handled using proprietary
Port | Index | Notes
190 | OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition
| Set this to control the input size of the image. Typically this is
called by the component itself when this port is tunnelled with an
appropriate output port. YUV420 packed planar and YUV422 packed
planar image formats are supported. nSliceHeight must be a
multiple of 16. nStride must be a multiple of 32 and equal to
or larger than nFrameWidth. Port 190 also supports being
connected to an output port of video domain, by setting the port
definition type with a structure of OMX_PortDomainVideo.
| Forces use of proprietary tunnelling between ports.
| Used to set up proprietary communication with the previous component.
191 | OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition
| Query this to show what the output size will be. Set to alter the
number of buffers to be used, or change the
nSliceHeight. nSliceHeight must be a multiple of 16,
including 0 which indicates no preference. Other parameters must be
| Query / set the current image filter applied.
| Query / set optional parameters for some image filters.
| Query / set the colour enhancement. This overwrites the U/V planes
with a constant value, and is applied after any currently selected
| Used to set up proprietary communication with the next component.
190 191 | OMX_IndexParamImagePortFormat
| Query / set the image port format used. Both ports
support non-compressed images of a small number of image formats.
| OMX_IndexParamImagePoolExternal
| Query / set the location of an externally allocated image pool to use
for output frames. Defaults to NULL, causing the component to allocate
a pool when active.
| Sets the size of the image pool to be allocated by the
component. Defaults to the output port frame size.
| Sets the number of buffers to allocate beyond the default of 5.
| The image pool will be deleted lazily, i.e. we will not wait for the images
to be returned from the pool, but instead rely on the image pool tidying itself
up automatically when all references are released.